Do the Yankees need A-Rod to win the World Seres? NO. A
-Fraud has already showed the Yankees that he's great during the season but is a choke artist once the playoffs start. Yankee fans must be wondering how do you sign a player to a $400 million contract and no ring not even a trip to the World Series.
Jeter has four rings. How many has A-Rod got? He was suppose to be the face of the Yankees.
The offseason started great for the Yankees with the signing of C.C Sabathia, A.J. Burnett and Mark Teixeira the Yankees built the team that can make a run for it all. So the question is, do the Yankees need the distraction of A-Rod, from his steroid confession to his hip injury?
A-Rod has to be nervous now because if the Yankees do well without him will they trade his head ace away, Cashman has to be thinking he's only good during the regular season anyway so why not send him packing and chalk up the A-Rod experiment as a failure.
The Yankees haven't been the same since they signed A-Rod and probably wont be the same til they get rid of him.
It will be hard for Cashman to make a deal on overrated A-Rod but if T.O can get signed to a team with his history, Cashman will have no problem finding a dumb team to sign him.
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